Online Chapters
Executive Summary
Topic: OverviewCaring and sharing: Global analysis of happiness and kindness
Topic: AnalysisSharing meals with others: How sharing meals supports happiness and social connections
Topic: Sharing mealsLiving with others: How household size and family bonds relate to happiness
Topic: FamilyConnecting with others: How social connections improve the happiness of young adults
Topic: YouthSupporting others: How prosocial behaviour reduces deaths of despair
Topic: Prosocial behaviourTrusting others: How unhappiness and social distrust explain populism
Topic: PoliticsGiving to others: How to convert your money into greater happiness for others
Topic: DonatingHappiness and Age: Summary
Topic: OverviewHappiness of the younger, the older, and those in between
Topic: AnalysisChild and Adolescent Well-being: Global Trends, Challenges and Opportunities
Topic: YouthSupporting the Well-being of an Aging Global Population: Associations between Well-being and Dementia
Topic: DementiaDifferences in Life Satisfaction among Older Adults in India
Topic: Case studyThe Happiness Agenda: The Next 10 Years
Topic: OverviewWorld Happiness, Trust and Social Connections in Times of Crisis
Topic: AnalysisWell-being and State Effectiveness
Topic: PoliticsDoing Good and Feeling Good: Relationships Between Altruism and Well-being for Altruists, Beneficiaries, and Observers
Topic: Prosocial behaviourTowards Well-Being Measurement with Social Media Across Space, Time and Cultures: Three Generations of Progress
Topic: Social mediaOverview on Our Tenth Anniversary
Topic: OverviewHappiness, Benevolence, and Trust During COVID-19 and Beyond
Topic: AnalysisTrends in Conceptions of Progress and Well-being
Topic: LanguageUsing Social Media Data to Capture Emotions Before and During COVID-19
Topic: Social mediaExploring the Biological Basis for Happiness
Topic: GeneticsInsights from the First Global Survey of Balance and Harmony
Topic: BalanceOverview: Life under COVID-19
Topic: OverviewHappiness, trust, and deaths under COVID-19
Topic: AnalysisCOVID-19 Prevalence and Well-being: Lessons from East Asia
Topic: COVID-19Reasons for Asia-Pacific Success in suppressing COVID-19
Topic: COVID-19Mental health and the COVID-19 pandemic
Topic: Mental healthSocial Connection and Well-Being during COVID-19
Topic: Social capitalWork and Well-being during COVID-19: Impact, Inequalities, Resilience, and the Future of Work
Topic: WorkLiving long and living well: The WELLBY approach
Topic: MeasurementEnvironments for Happiness: An Overview
Topic: OverviewSocial Environments for World Happiness
Topic: AnalysisCities and Happiness: A Global Ranking and Analysis
Topic: EnvironmentUrban-Rural Happiness Differentials Across the World
Topic: EnvironmentHow Environmental Quality Affects Our Happiness
Topic: EnvironmentSustainable Development and Human Well-Being
Topic: DevelopmentThe Nordic Exceptionalism: What Explains Why the Nordic Countries Are Constantly Among the Happiest in the World
Topic: Case studyHappiness and Community: An Overview
Topic: OverviewChanging World Happiness
Topic: AnalysisHappiness and Voting Behavior
Topic: PoliticsHappiness and Prosocial Behavior: An Evaluation of the Evidence
Topic: Social capitalThe Sad State of Happiness in the United States and the Role of Digital Media
Topic: Social mediaBig Data and Well-being
Topic: Social mediaAddiction and Unhappiness in America
Topic: Addiction