World Happiness Report 2015 launch event in New York

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The World Happiness Report 2015 launch event will be held on April 24, 2015, at the New York Society for Ethical Culture.

The SDSN and New York Society for Ethical Culture are pleased to invite you to join us at the launch event of the World Happiness Report 2015.

What are the sources of happiness? How can we foster happiness in our societies? What is the state of global happiness today? The recently released World HappinessReport 2015 answers these questions.

For the first time ever, the three co-editors of the World Happiness Report – Professors Jeffrey D. Sachs, Richard Layard, and John Helliwell – will do a public event to discuss the Report’s findings and future directions. An audience Q&A will follow a discussion moderated by Tom Keene with the report co-editors.

Event details:
World Happiness Report 2015 launch event
April 24, 2015, 7PM-9PM
New York Society for Ethical Culture
2 W 64th St, New York, NY 10025
RSVP now

The third World Happiness Report will build on the previous two ground-breaking reports, which have been downloaded over 2.5 million times since the first report launch in 2012. The newest report delves even more deeply into what makes people happy, the state of happiness around the world today, and advice for policy makers.

We hope you will be able to join us, and you’re also invited to conversation online by using #happiness2015!