Media Roundup on 2017 World Happiness Report

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The World Happiness Report 2017, which ranks 155 countries by their happiness levels, was released this week at the United Nations at an event celebrating International Day of Happiness. The report, the fifth one to come out since 2012, continues to gain global recognition as governments, organizations and civil society increasingly use happiness indicators to inform their policy-making decisions. In addition to the rankings, this year’s report includes an analysis of happiness in the workplace and a deeper look at China and Africa.

Here’s a highlight of the top news coverage of the report:

Who’s happy, who’s not: Norway tops list, US falls

Norway Is No. 1 in Happiness. The U.S., Sadly, Is No. 14.
New York Times

Norway unseats Denmark as world’s happiest country: report

A new study tries to unpick what makes people happy and sad
The Economist

The World Happiness Report is out and the U.S. has fallen. Sad!
Washington Post

Happiness report: Norway is the happiest place on Earth

Can we be as happy as Scandinavians?

Happiness is on the wane in the US, UN global report finds
The Guardian

Where are the world’s happiest countries?

Norway named Happiest Country of 2017
CBS News

The happiest country on Earth: The winner is…
USA Today

Money Doesn’t Buy Happiness (in America)

These are the 15 happiest countries in the world

World Happiness Report: Norway tops list, Canada is 7th happiest country in the world
Toronto Sun

The Social Crisis Causing America’s World Happiness Ranking to Plummet

Norway Is Happiest Country in the World. What’s the Secret?

The U.S. Should Take A Few Cues From Norway, Just Voted Happiest Country On Earth
Huffington Post

Report: Happiness on the Decline in the U.S.

Does Work Make You Happy? Evidence from the World Happiness Report
Harvard Business Review

Norway leads World Happiness Report, while US drops
New York Post

These countries beat America in the latest World Happiness Report

Norway: The world’s happiest country
Al Jazeera

Americans May be Rich, But They’re Not Happy

Money can’t buy happiness: Why a massive rise in wealth left Chinese people less happy
Washington Post

UN report: Norway is now the happiest nation on Earth
Christian Science Monitor

These Are the 10 Happiest Countries in the World
US News World Report

This is the unhappiest BRICS nation and we know why