World Happiness Report 2025

In this year’s issue, we focus on the impact of caring and sharing on people’s happiness. Like ‘mercy’ in Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, caring is “twice-blessed” – it blesses those who give and those who receive. In this report, we investigate both of these effects: the benefits to the recipients of caring behaviour and the benefits to those who care for others.

The World Happiness Report is the world’s foremost publication on global wellbeing and how to improve it.

We combine open-access data from over 140 countries with high-quality analysis by world-leading researchers from a wide range of academic disciplines.

The world’s happiest countries

Our global happiness ranking is based on a single question that asks people to evaluate the quality of their life on a 0–10 scale. Finland has topped the rankings since 2018. How does your country compare?

In-depth analysis

Every year, we assemble a team of world-leading researchers to explore the relationship between happiness, wellbeing, and a chosen theme. The theme for our 2025 report is caring and sharing.